This July, the Benesse House Museum celebrates its 20th Anniversary!
Several special events are organized these days for the occasion, but there is one in particular that I advise you to attend if you can go to Naoshima tomorrow (or rather today as it’s going to be past midnight when you read these lines) and if you can understand Japanese (sadly, I have to work and my Japanese is still too weak for that).
It’s a symposium that will take place in the Benesse House and where the three most important people linked to Naoshima will be present.
I’m talking about:
- Tadao Andō, the famous architect whose name has almost become synonymous to Naoshima.
- Fram Kitagawa, most likely the most influential and important art director in Japan nowadays, as well as the director of Setouchi Triennale / Art Setouchi.
- Soichiro Fukutake, CEO of the Benesse Corporation, Director of the Benesse Fundation, of Benesse Art Site and more.
The event will be called “Becoming – Now, Here, We, and Our Future“. It will take place in the Benesse House from 3pm to 6pm, and if you have the opportunity to go, don’t miss it.