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After the Hanami


Cherry Blossom season ended a while ago. However, that’s not a reason not to share some pictures of that brief moment when all the petals are on the ground. A moment that can sometimes be as beautiful as when the flowers are blooming.


The end of cherry blossoms Dream Cafe 1

At Dream Café, on Ogijima


The end of cherry blossoms 2

Still Dream Café


The end of cherry blossoms Campus 3

At Kagawa University’s Engineering Campus



(full disclosure: these pictures are not from this year but from last year. I’m sure you don’t mind)




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2 thoughts on “After the Hanami”

    1. The cherry tree in my parents yard never was so intense.

      (note that I translated your comment, but I won’t do it every time, this is the English speaking blog. 😉 )

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