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A couple of weeks ago, I missed this blog’s first anniversary (whoops), so no way I’m missing today’s anniversary, as this day one year ago I started my visit and coverage of the Setouchi International Art Festival 2010 (on Ogijima, where else?) a visit that – as you already know – was going to make me fall in love with the Setouchi area even more.


Flower Happy Snake
Flower / Happy Snake by José de Guimarães




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4 thoughts on “Anniversary (sort of)”

  1. Please let me add my congratulations as well and I hope you continue blogging about your adventures in Japan – I have added your blog to my RSS reader. Also, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.

    1. Hi and you’re very welcome.
      Thanks for stopping by ans subscribing.
      I will definitely continue blogging, although it’s also a fact that I will have less free time, so we can expect less frequent blog posts (or more with just one picture and no text).

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