I didn’t think I was going to tell you about Bengal Island again this soon, but yesterday I went to Takamatsu Sunport and to my surprise, I saw that they hadn’t finish dismantling Bengal Island’s site yet (I’m guessing that they fell behind schedule because of the heavy rain last week, not sure).
I took a few shots, didn’t stay too long as:
- my wife was waiting.
- it was bittersweet, as every spot brought back memories, but seeing the place in such a shape was a bit sad, almost heartbreaking actually.
I was quite surprised to see one rickshaw still there.
The bus is less surprising, as I think they need to remove everything before it can leave.
I can’t believe that the Bangladeshi dinghy‘s anchor had been left there.
If no one wants it, I’ll gladly take it, honestly.
Some parts of Weaving Weaving, waiting to be thrown away.
The traditional Japanese boat construction site.
“Some parts of Weaving Weaving, waiting to be thrown away.” Nooo. Can’t they, I dunno, donate it to Shinobazu Ike?
Yes, it was a pretty sad view. But it was always meant to be temporary, and I assume that because of the heavy rain of the past couple of weeks, the piece had been damaged and started to get mold here and there.
What or who is Shinobazu Ike?
Shinobazu Ike is a famous pond in Ueno.
Why didn’t you “rescue” a few. Perhaps a little torch burning could give it an interesting look.
I didn’t feel like rummaging through trash in the middle of the afternoon. That would have been weird at best.