I already told you about a boat in my previous post, and I’m doing it again now with a very special boat as it’s a work of art: Dreaming Boat by Bunpei Kado.
Bunpei Kado is one of the artists from the Setouchi Triennale who has both a work of art on an island (Air Diver on Ogijima) and who is all month long at Bengal Island creating a new project and meeting people.
We exchanged a few words a couple of weeks ago, and hope to do so before the end of the summer session despite the language barrier (he speaks a little English).
In the meantime here are a few shots of Dreaming Boat from August 4th and 5th. The piece starts to look like something, and I can’t wait to see it finished. Actually, it makes me wonder, what is going to be the lifespan of most artworks being built at Bengal Island as they all seem pretty site specific, but I don’t imagine them staying much longer after September 1st. But I’ll worry about it another day, now onto the pictures: