I took this picture yesterday, late in the afternoon. I thought you might like it.
Apart from that, we’re now officially in lockdown for two weeks, but it’s not the kind of lockdown you may be experiencing in some countries at the moment. A lot of places are closed, and we’re asked to stay home and avoid contact with other people as much as possible. I stay home most of the day, but I do go for walks, I just don’t go near other people, but… I never do…
Paradoxically, the neighborhood is more lively than ever. It’s Spring, the weather is reaching this “perfect” stage where it doesn’t stay too long (hot and then humid will arrive sooner than we think), kids are getting bored staying inside and a lot of adults don’t seem to be caring much about the pandemic. “Ignorance is bliss” could be the motto of Japan.
And yet, despite this apparent carelessness, the number of cases in the country and is Kagawa, is not skyrocketing like in some other countries. It’s a big mystery. On the one hand, it’s good news. On the other hand, it really gives a false sense of security to many people around here. The situation not being dire like in some European countries or some US regions doesn’t mean the situation is safe or under control by any means.
Tonight, from the same spot, feeling the breeze from the sea, I saw Meon returning from Ogijima and Megijima, and it made me realize that if things were normal I’d probably be on it today. Oh well.