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Fall Matsuri are coming!


In some parts of Japan, I have the feeling that summer is the time of the year when one can find plenty of matsuri.

But on Shikoku, Fall definitely is Matsuri season.

Especially mid-october, a time that is also rice harvest time and this is of course not a coincidence, as all of those matsuri are basically harvest matsuri.

I’ll try to attend as many as possible as I do every year (and this year I even have a few days of vacation, that should make my attempts easier) and with some luck, you’ll get a few post about Fall matsuri here. We’ll see.

If I don’t have time for full posts, remember that I tend to post “live” pictures on the usual social media during most of my outings. 🙂


Teshima - Karato Matsuri 2013

Karato Matsuri on Teshima – I do not plan on missing it
(I did only once since the first time I attended it)




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