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It’s cherry blossom season. They are in full bloom in most of Japan. At least in Takamatsu, they are.

If you wanted to enjoy them, last weekend was the weekend or never (well “or next year”). On Saturday it was cold (11°C! Yikes!) so we stayed at home.

Sunday it was sunny, so we figured it would be silly to not go somewhere with cherry trees.

We also thought that it would be nice to go to see the cherry blossoms in a new place (at least new for us).

There is this small park, south of Takamatsu, that we don’t really know. Almost in the countryside. It’s called Ryuo-koen.

We heard that it had nice cherry blossoms, so we went there.


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It was nice, but…

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… a number of cherry trees had quite a few branches with no flowers.

I don’t know if it’s because they were at the end. Or because in the middle of this little lake, they were more exposed to the wind and rain? Or did they just seem to be missing some? Besides, some branches seemed dead or dying.

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The place looked a bit sad compared to some pictures I saw (but that were about four years old).

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We needed a Plan B. Luckily, Yasuyo had one, and not just because it was located right next to her favorite pastry shop in town…


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This spot is known by most Takamatsu residents, but it’s a bit unknown among outsiders, and I like to keep its exact location somewhat a secret. Although, the risk that it becomes invaded by tourists is pretty low. It’s far enough from all of the tourist destinations, and I don’t imagine many visitors spending time trying to locate it when they have Ritsurin Garden right there.

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Also, it’s a place that is very important to me and very dear to my heart.


Exactly 10 years ago, I rode my bicycle past it every morning for a week. It was where I saw cherry blossoms for the first time in Japan. Yes, it was in this particular spot.

And why did I ride past it every day for a week, just that week, and then not so much more after that?

Oh, it’s very simple. It’s because exactly 10 years and three days ago, I became a father. And my daughter was born in a maternity clinic that is located just two blocks away from these cherry trees.

So yes, this place – especially in this season – means a lot to me, as you can imagine. 🙂

You can even read the post I wrote about the same place, exactly 10 years ago, if you want.


Well, enough talking, you’re here for the pictures, right? Here they are for your enjoyment:




It was a very nice afternoon overall.


Is it the last time I have cherry blossoms to show you this year? Not sure, there is still tomorrow. I have some plans for the day, and I may have some quite special ones to show you (if they’re in bloom, I think they bloom a bit late usually).

Stay tuned.


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