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Hōnen-ji’s Dying Buddha


I sometimes call Hōnen-ji “Takamatsu’s best kept secret”. The temple, located in Busshōzan (Takamatsu’s historical district), is not famous, doesn’t usually get many visitors and they’re definitely not tourists for the most part. And honestly, from the outside, while it’s quite enjoyable, it doesn’t really stand out or anything… Well, there is the brand new pagoda, that’s quite interesting (especially because it’s odd to see a traditional pagoda that’s three years old)…

The reason why I give this nickname to the temple is because of what is inside. I already gave you a glimpse once. Here is another one:


Honen-ji - Sanbutsudo - Bouddha



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2 thoughts on “Hōnen-ji’s Dying Buddha”

  1. That’s an interesting temple. I love the places that offer something truly different.

    I still lurk around these parts reading things but ever since moving back to the US I’ve been in a bit of funk….

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