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Ichinomiya-ji (Temple 83 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage – Spring 2024)

Ichinomiya Temple Spring 2024 1


Located in Takamatsu (near the historical Busshozan neighborhood) Ichinomiya-ji is the 83rd Temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.

It’s not exactly the most exciting temple in town but I happened to be there last Spring, so I took a few pictures.

Here they are:


Ichinomiya Temple Spring 2024 2


I won’t really advise you to visit it – or at least I won’t advise you to make a detour to visit it – if you’re not doing the Shikoku Pilgrimage. However, Ichinomiya-ji happens to be located right next to one of the coolest Shinto shrines I know: Tamura-jinja.
There’s also Honen-ji nearby, one of the most beautiful Buddhist temples in Takamatsu, but relatively unknown because it’s not part of the world-famous pilgrimage.

Ichinomiya Temple Spring 2024 3


Ichinomiya Temple Spring 2024 4


I hadn’t been in a few years and I was surprised to see a relatively new building. I didn’t enter, but it seems to be a new building that’s a part of the temple, except with a contemporary design:

Ichinomiya Temple Spring 2024 5


That’s all for today. More to come sooner or later.

In the meantime, why don’t you

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