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Inside Naoshima Hall


Inside Naoshima Hall on Naoshima


Hiroshi Sambuichi‘s Naoshima Hall located in the village of Honmura, is probably my favorite building (really a couple of buildings and a garden) on Naoshima.

If you visit Naoshima in the near future, you may find it closed, as the main room is only open for special events outside of the Setouchi Triennale. So, I thought you’d like to see what it looks like. There it is.

Note that while you can’t enter that part of the building, it’s still worth a visit.


You can see and read more about Naoshima Hall in this post (just follow the link).


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4 thoughts on “Inside Naoshima Hall”

  1. I will definitely be visiting Naoshima next time. I can’t skip it again as I really want to see Naoshima Hall. I was crushed when I learned there was a Hiroshi Sambuichi exhibit in Tokyo last year, or was it soon after the Triennale. I missed it but hopefully I don’t miss it again if he has another one.

    1. Yeah, don’t miss it next time, but yeah, it can wait until 2019. The building is not going anywhere, and actually, outside of the Triennale, you can’t enter the building (unless there’s something happening).
      Also, Sambuichi has some sort of ongoing project on Naoshima (referred to as The Naoshima Plan). It started in 2013 with the planning of Naoshima Hall I guess (there also were a smaller temporary building that I missed).
      And last time I went, about a month ago, I spotted a new private house that I’m sure he build (but it was a private house, so no visiting).

      If I ever become rich (not sure how that would happen, but hey, a man can dream), he’ll definitely build my house(s). 🙂

      1. I saw Naoshima Plan in 2013. Was a nice exhibit talking about Naoshima Hall and the future as well as a showcase of his main works.

        I know what you mean. Maybe you can just buy one of his houses from someone else. I don’t think I would want one of his houses as it isn’t as functional as it is smart. Sometimes a simple rectangle is better as you can do more with it. Designer houses are a pain when the shapes are not simple and TVs don’t fit where you want it to. 🙂

        1. LOL… I see what you mean, but while I haven’t been inside any of the houses he’s built, the pictures I saw seemed to show really practical and useful interiors too.

          Actually, Naoshima Hall is in two parts. The big hall, but right next to it, there are four smaller one room buildings all together under one big roof, and while it’s not made to be lived in (meeting rooms mostly), they’re “normal” inside.

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