Spring is here, Art Setouchi is open for its 2015 session (don’t get me wrong, no festival this year, just the permanent artworks being open after the winter break for some of them), weather is finally nicer.
Despite all that, I pretty much stayed home, not even blogging, for the past 6 days being a little sick… Nothing, just a pneumonia…
No worries though, I should be back on my two feet in a couple of days.
Hello. It’s been a long time. I’m cocomino. I’ll travel alone Takamatsu, Naoshima etc September. Do you know good accommodation in Takamatsu? I’m looking forward to visiting various art and architecture.
Hi Cocomino,
Long time no speak indeed.
What kind of place are you looking for?
Hôtel? Guesthouse? Minshuku?
e-mail me, it may be easier than comments, but don’t forget to include Ogijima in your itinerary. 😉