Kanrin House by Rikuji Makabe is located in the village of Tomari on Honjima.
It was part of the Setouchi Triennale 2016, but I believe it will still be around in 2019. May I add that I think it’s one of the most beautiful artworks of Art Setouchi?
Kanrin House by Rikuji Makabe is located in the village of Tomari on Honjima.
It was part of the Setouchi Triennale 2016, but I believe it will still be around in 2019. May I add that I think it’s one of the most beautiful artworks of Art Setouchi?
Is the Kanrin House accessible to the public at only certain times? I would like to visit this place next month in August.
If I’m correct it’s open on Saturdays and Sundays only. It may be open during Obon week.
The official schedule is somewhere on the official site, but I just can’t find it (it’s not very well organized at times). However, I found the 2017 schedule (go figure) and in August, Kanrin House was indeed open on week-ends plus one extra day during Obon Week (probably the new holiday, Yama no Hi) from 9am to 4.30pm. It should be the same this year.