I really need to tell you more about Hōnen-ji, a buddhist temple located in Busshōzan, one of the few remaining historical neighborhoods in Takamatsu.
I really need to tell you more about Hōnen-ji, a buddhist temple located in Busshōzan, one of the few remaining historical neighborhoods in Takamatsu.
Yes, you really do need to be more verbose. Though more photos would also be acceptable. 😉
First I didn’t post about it because I was no sure I could; it’s technically forbidden to take pictures in the temple, but I received a special authorization that day, but nothing was ever said about being allowed to publish them online. Since then I’ve decided than hey, I’ll publish them and if someone says something, I’ll take them down, but I haven’t found the time to do so yet. However, if you just want to see the pics, they’re already on the French version of the blog. 🙂 https://ogijima.fr/tag/honen-ji/
That is an amazing picture, David. One of your best for sure. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks a lot, John.