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Megijima & Tetrapods


megi et tetrapods


Not much to say about this picture apart from the fact that this is the view at the end of the street from my in-laws house.

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6 thoughts on “Megijima & Tetrapods”

  1. David–just wanted to say that I just found your blog and look forward to perusing your old posts. I wrote an article on rural Japan for the University of Minnesota’s Center for Rural Design a few months back and just saw (and responded) to your comment. I didn’t realize you are in Kagawa–in that case, you DEFINITELY need to go to Chiiori. And eat some udon for me–I miss that like crazy!

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for stopping by (and I hope you’ll come back).
      I’d be interested to read your article, is it online somewhere?

      I am not currently in Kagawa, but it could happen sooner than expected.
      Yes, I know Chiiori. I have never been there myself, but I know people who have been and it’s on my to-do list (although it won’t happen just yet, but maybe in the Spring who knows?)

  2. …Also, tetrapods…. terrifying and fascinating at the same time! Nothing says “Japanese beach” like large quantities of concrete…..

    1. Yes, this is something that shocked me the first time I went to Japan, and it still does at times. But apparently they’re very useful to protect the many polders coastal cities have.

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