I recently installed two new features on the blog that you may find useful.
- You can now subscribe to the blog by e-mail. Yes, that means you’ll receive new entries directly in your inbox. To do so, just click on the envelope icon in the sidebar or on top of the page (the one on top may not stay though, I’m debating it), right next to the RSS Feed icon.
- Facebook has just launched a new share button that they called “Send”. It allows you to share any particular web page not to all of your friends like the Share button does, but to a few selected ones, or a particular group. Right now it’s on the Wibiya bar at the bottom of the page, I assume that sooner or later it will become ubiquitous like other “share” and “tweet” buttons.
Do not hesitate to use them as you see fit.
You can even subscribe by e-mail directly from this button: