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Well, I wanted to post something interesting tonight, but jetlag is being the strongest. I’m exhausted. Instead, you’ll get another one of my Otorii series.


Otorii Miyajima



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2 thoughts on “Otorii”

  1. Thank you so much for this blog. I really enjoy your posts. I’ve been to Takamatsu once, and to the Seto Naikai three times. They’re both wonderful, and I miss them a lot now that I’m back in California. Reading your posts is the next best thing to going there myself. There are so many places you’ve talked about that I want to include in my next trip.

    Merci beaucoup!


    1. Thanks you too Marcia.
      It makes me glad to learn that my blog can be useful. 🙂

      Stay tuned, I’m soon going to talk about new destinations in Takamatsu and around that I haven’t mentioned yet.

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