The weather has been stunning these past few days, especially today. Sunny, with just a few cumulus clouds, 24°C, and a light breeze. The kind of weather I’ve been dreaming of since May at least. And yet, I’m at home instead of having fun somewhere outside (don’t worry about me, I have the next three days to enjoy the weather, hopefully).
One of the reasons I’m at home is that this site has been malfunctioning for the past 24 hours or so, and I’ve been trying to see what’s happening with the help of my wonderful web host who saved me and this site more than once.
In parts to test if everything is working and in parts because I really need to post more often, here is a picture I took a few hours ago.
If I’ve been inside too much, they are definitely outside, way more than me:
What are they doing?
Well, it’s all in the title. They’re setting up the nori fields, just off the coast of Takamatsu. The nori will then grow for the next few months and will be harvested in the winter when it’s really cold and windy. Yikes. I may have already shown you the harvest, and I may do it again.
A strange technicality, the fields are located more to the east than usual. I’m not sure why, but it may be a problem for the sailing school. I don’t know. Yes, this is the kind of thing you wonder about when you live in such a beautiful and peaceful area.
Alright, let’s press “publish” and see if nothing explodes (if you can read this, it means it didn’t.)
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