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Regent in Olives on Shōdoshima


On Shōdoshima, when you leave the village of Umaki towards the eastern mountains of the island, in a small olive grove like one can find here and there, there is a pretty peculiar object:


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Yes, this is what it looks like; a big white olive with a rockabilly haircut.

You will have understood at this point that this somewhat WTF artwork is part of the Setouchi Triennale. It is called Regent in Olives and was created by the designer Hisakazu Shimizu.


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Don’t ask me the concept, I’m not sure I’m getting it either.


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However, it’s interesting to note that the work integrates one of the traditions of Shōdoshima (and of Shikoku): here and there on the 88 temples pilgrimage route, there are small niches where people living nearby leave fruits and other snacks for the pilgrims, who in turn thank them by leaving a few coins.

There, the triennale visitors can exactly do the same, those oranges are for them (just don’t forget to thank the person who left them there with a few coins).


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Being an outdoors artwork, Regent in Olives is accessible all the time for free. I suspect that it is meant to be permanent, but I’m not sure.



2 thoughts on “Regent in Olives on Shōdoshima”

    1. Glad you liked it (and shocked you were going to work today).
      Actually, I went there today too, that was totally unplanned, we just happened to be in the neighborhood. The artist was there directing a workshop for kids, and a bunch of people wore silly rockabilly wigs. I took a few pics, but none of them is that good (especially because it started raining then)

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