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Rice after the Rain


A short while ago, just after a thunderstorm, I went down to the rice field near my house and took the following pictures:


Rice after the Rain 1


Rice after the Rain 2


Rice after the Rain 3


Rice after the Rain 4


Rice after the Rain 5


Rice after the Rain 6


Rice after the Rain 7


The pictures could be better, but this way they give you a glimpse of my learning of using a camera in manual mode.


Also, I have to admit that for some reason, I’m fascinated by the fact that I have the opportunity to see rice grow for the first time in my life. I do follow this field in particular quite closely and more pictures will come soon.



5 thoughts on “Rice after the Rain”

    1. Thanks.
      Ironically, as the rice is almost ripe, I was going to take more pictures today, but it’s raining a lot right now. 🙂

  1. I think the rice around my apartment is a bit ahead of the one in the photos, but I should take photos of it, too! It looks great right now! ^__^
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos!

    1. Thanks.
      These pics are a couple of weeks old, the rice is much more ripe now, but it’s true that it was planted last in the neighborhood.
      Some fields are – I believe – almost ready to be harvested, this one not just yet. Actually, I hope I’ll get to take a few more pictures before it is.

      1. It also seems to depend on where you live.
        During my summer vacation trip in Chubu and Kanto I saw that the rice plants were much riper than the ones back home here in Kansai. And I can imagine that Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu are even later.

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