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Setouchi evening

Once in a while, on my Twitter account, I post the “Setouchi picture of the day.” They are more or less random pictures of the Seto Inland Sea that I take with my phone when I’m on the coast. I started doing it being sad and frustrated to not be able to go to the islands much these days. People seemed to like it, so I kept on doing it (not that I can go to the islands much more at the moment).

It’s not going to become a regular feature here, but I thought I could share here some of the pics I took a couple of days ago returning from work.


Setouchi evening 1


Setouchi evening 2


Setouchi evening 3
Shodoshima in the background, Oshima in front of it, and Yashima to the right.


Setouchi evening 4
Naoshima (you can see the Benesse House buildings if you look closely)


Setouchi evening 5


Setouchi evening 6
Seaweed fields


Setouchi evening 7


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