Well, it’s all in the title.
My information page about the Setouchi Triennale 2022 has been updated with the latest news. Not many changes compared to 2019, except that it’s going digital a little bit (there will be a digital art passport in addition to the paper one).
You can read it all there:
Setouchi Triennale 2022
In addition, the press conference introducing the event added a few things about what to expect on each island (keep in mind that it is a press conference, so the reality may be different in a few months)
Two main new artworks.
Hiroshi Sugimoto’s Glass Tea House is coming to Naoshima. It actually already there.
And Valley Gallery will make its debut. It is a new building by Tadao Ando and it will have art from Yayoi Kusama inside.
Needle Factory from Shinro Ohtake will “evolve.” New art will be in Koh (the village in the south of the island that’s a bit isolated)
Little Shops on the Island will be developed more with an aim to turn it into a sustainable community-based ongoing project, not just artworks. That would be nice if it happened.
New artworks will be there, in correlation with the development of the revitalizing community (whatever that means, told you it’s a press conference, not a guide).
New art will focus on developing the “maze town” part of Tonosho as well as the area and roads between Fukuda and Kankakei Gorge.
Among other things, there will be a collaborative project between the residents and the Koebi volunteers preparing the future of the island.
The goal of new projects will be to teach more about the history and the culture of the island.
There will be more involvement from the five islands of the Yoshima area, not just Shamijima. Also, some art will be in the Ogoshi area of Sakaide (the small village on the coast between Sakaide and Takamatsu).
Development of themes based on the history and culture of the island.
More projects from Kyoto University of the Arts. It’s interesting how, Takamijima is literally becoming an “art island” an expression that is used a lot talking about some of the islands, but I usually find it inaccurate. Well, it’s definitely appropriate for Takamijima. More about this here.
Projects and themes around the Awashima Maritime Museum and the sea.
Development of artworks connected to the distinctive culture and lifestyle of the island.
It seems that most new artworks will be located on Yashima, probably in the new “lookout area” that’s being built there.
Uno Port
New art and projects will be linked to the fact that Uno Port is a transitional area between train and boat.
Can you tell me more about the Oshima collaborative project?
Hi Kumiko and thanks for stopping by.
I do not know any details at this point. I think it’s a continuation of all the projects that Koebi-tai has done in collaboration with the residents and the staff from the Oshima Seishoen Sanatorium for the past 12 years.
Within a few years, all of the residents will have passed (their average age must be beyond 80 years old now), so the future of the island has been debated and planned recently. I’ve heard of several ideas, but I do not know which one(s) will be chosen.
Hi David,
Thank you for the information. Just to clarify, Oshima is a different island from Suo-Oshima?
You’re very welcome.
I do not know Suo-Oshima, so I guess this answers this question.
I know there are a dozen or so Oshima in the Seto Inland Sea, but this Oshima is the one that has been part of the Setouchi Triennale since 2010. It is located in Takamatsu and it is famous for being a “hospital island” as it’s home to the Oshima Seishoen Sanatorium.