Some sushi, just because.
From left to right (top to bottom) :
- Otoro : the fat part of the tuna, that is the most delicious sushi in the world as well as the most expensive (200 yen difference between this plate and the same with another random instead of the otoro). If tunas reach crazy prices from time to time, it’s because of this piece.
- Sea bream
- Shrimp
- “shredded” tuna in a roll.
- Tuna
- Squid
- Some clam, I forgot which one.
- Omelet with fish eggs.
On a side note, yes, I know, the blog is awfully quiet these days. I’ve been on vacation and busy with a bunch of things. Also, because my time available for this blog won’t get any larger in the foreseeable future, I’m thinking of ways to turn it into a more static site (with new content when needed, don’t worry). I’m not sure, I’ll see. I need to get it ready for the Setouchi Triennale 2019, though, so expect things happening on it sooner or later. 🙂
Hey David. I am glad I found your blog. I really love the Setonaikai area and desire to live in Kagawa one day. I’ve spent time at Naoshima, Teshima and traveled around Shikoku too. I’m planning to visit next year and experience my first Setouchi Triennale. Are you planning an island hopping guide for 2019’s event? I see that the Spring session is from April 26 – May 26, a month later than 2016. Thank you for all the useful information you have shared so far, it’s quite good.
Hi Peter, and thanks for stopping by.
I’m not sure what I’ll do for next year’s Triennale. I’ll obviously update my advice page, but beyond that, I have a bunch of ideas and very little time to implement them, so we’ll see what gets done.
Yes, next year, the Triennale starts one month later. I assume that it has to do with Golden Week and wanting more visitors.
Stay tuned.
Hi David. Yes I will definetley stay tuned. I’m trying to find a month long accomodation in Takamatsu as it’s a great little city. I plan to follow some of your advice as to which islands to discover, though this might change once the Triennale schedule of events is published. Thanks again.