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Takamatsu Sunport’s Covered Plaza


In Takamatsu Sunport there is a quite fascinating structure. This covered open plaza has a name, I always forget it, and I doubt many people know it. Its purpose is to serve as an event and exhibit space, and you may have already seen it in this blog.


Takamatsu Sunport covered plaza


If you’re into architecture and are in town, you may want to go check it out, you can’t really miss it when you’re in Takamatsu Sunport.

And if you have a toddler, know that they love the place too, well at least Hana does: a large empty space with no vehicle, no danger whatsoever, the ideal place to run, throw things that get thrown for hours and without danger. 🙂

On a side note, you may have noticed a tiny cosmetic change to the blog: starting with this post, pictures are now bigger, this way you can see them better without having to click on them (they still enlarge to full size when you click. It shouldn’t pose a problem for smaller screens as the theme is “responsive”, but if you have any issue with that, let me know.



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