A couple of weeks ago, I went for a walk at Sunport Takamatsu like I sometimes do on weekends, when I found myself twice intrigued when I arrived at the waterfront (more precisely at this part of Sunport called Seto Sea Palette).
Check this out:
The first thing, you’ve noticed is that the sea is overflowing!
So, sure, it was high tide and it was windy in such a way that the wind was pushing the water to the shore to the point that waves were formed. If you’ve ever been to the ocean, you wouldn’t call these waves, wavelets at best, but in the Seto Inland Sea, those are definitely waves. However, in a period of record-high Acqua Alta in Venice and such, one is starting to wonder – especially these days when I find high tides to be quite high indeed. Have the dreaded days of sea level risings finally started to happen? Sure, we’re in the Fall, when tides tend to be strong, and I already mentioned the wind, but I don’t remember seeing water coming on the waterfront this way on a “regular day.” Worrisome.
Have you noticed similar things if you live on the coast – of the Seto Inland Sea or elsewhere?
Update: I’m being told by a long-time resident of Takamatsu that this “overflowing” is normal in those conditions (high tide, wind coming from the north-east, etc). Phew… For now…
The second surprising thing is the yellow nets that have been set up all along this part of the waterfront… Can you guess why they’re there?
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Are the nets there so fish don’t jump into the street?
No. No risk of this happening.
I guess the authorities are trying to ensure that children don’t get swept into the water.
No, sorry.
Now I am intrigued.
I’ll give the answer in a few days.
Thank you.