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We stopped in Zentsu-ji for just a few minutes on our way from Zenigata to Konpirasan, but it was worth it.

The temple is one of the 88 temples from the Shikoku Pilgrimage and definitely must go back and spend more time there on a future trip to Takamatsu.

(Notes: Remember, this was originally written in 2009, since then I went back, twice, including last week. I’ll definitely tell you more about those in later posts. Also, since then, I learned that the suffix “-ji” meant temple and as such my title is redundant, although as Zentsūji is the name of the city too, I can be excused 😉 )



Zentsuji Pagoda
The very first time I saw a pagoda in my life.


Zentsuji sacred tree
A sacred tree, recognizable by the rope around it.


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(to be continued…)


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