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House of Octopus on Takamijima


House of Octopus by Ohji Yoshino was a pretty fun artwork on Takamijima during the Setouchi Triennale 2013.

I have no idea whether it has been dismantled or if it’ll be available again in 2016. All I know is that it isn’t open at the moment.

So here is a small retrospective of this nice installation (and possibly a preview for 2016? No idea)


House of Octopus - Takamijima - 01


House of Octopus - Takamijima - 02


House of Octopus - Takamijima - 03


House of Octopus - Takamijima - 04


House of Octopus - Takamijima - 05


House of Octopus - Takamijima - 06


You may already know, but in case you’re wondering, those pots are octopus traps.



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